Hoy he leído un artículo que me ha hecho reflexionar sobre lo diferentes que somos los españoles en relación al resto de los europeos sin ir mñas lejos, ya no quiero ni pensar las diferencias que puede haber con un asiático o con un africano.
Os contaré las principales cosas que me han llamado la atención, en inglés.
Do you really think that spanish people is different?
First of all, sorry about my English, I’m spanish.
Today, I’d like to tell you some things because I think spanish people make different to other countries.
People say hello when go into a small place, even they didn’t know people inside.
I live in Galicia, north west of Spain and people who live in villages, say hello when you see somebody in a path, even you ever haven’t meet them.
You say hello when you go into the toilet and there are more women.
Anyway I think this tradition is missing, young people don’t use to say hello when they go in the lift.
I think to go into a lift, or go into a room with people and don’t say hello or good morning or so on, is unpolite.
We are very direct when we talk
I explain.
English people, or German people use to say Excuse me, sorry, I’d like….
For example, in a bar, I always order: “una cerveza” or “un café”, I don´t tell anything else, no please, no excuse me, no sorry…..
Another big difference is at the phone.
when Spanish people take the phone, we say; “¿Diga?” (=tell me), when in a lot of countries the first word you say is your name .

Spanish people like to spend a lot of time out of home
We like to live outside, maybe because the sunny weather.
We love drinking something in cafes and bars and meeting there with friends.
To meet friends in a restaurant to have dinner is more usual than to meet friends to have dinner at home.
When I lived in Germany people met at home to spend time together.
Spanish people prefer to go to a restaurant.
Maybe I’ll remember more difference, but these differences are the most importants for me.

A very intesting reflexion.

Bueno, con este pensamiento y reflexión en ingles os quiero dejar un mensaje que os puede ayudar:
- No tengáis vergüenza a hablar español, y cometer errores, yo sé perfectamente que mi inglés es malísimo, pero creo que si no practico, que si no lo intento, tampoco mejorará
- Os invito a corregir mi texto en inglés
- Podéis hacer el ejercicio de traducir el texto al español ¿Te atreves? Deja tu traducción en comentarios y te la corregiré.